Oct 14 2021 Work Completion & Elevator Pitches
Attendance. TTOC list emailed.
Class - Ms. Pynn has access to our class team on Teams as a Teacher. She is well aware of ALL assignments on teams and can access grades for all students so she knows exactly what each student is missing or needs to edit.
Reminders: If you do not have a mark for Assign 6 (Cover) & 7 (Resume) then you have edits to complete. Check in those assignments for notes from me in this regards.
This is the last FULL class to work on Assignments 1-11 and to have time to fully complete these assignments. Mid-term marks are due this Sunday. I will not be marking any items from Assign 1-11 post this Saturday. As such - USE THIS TIME WITH MS. PYNN WISELY!!!! Most of you have multiple items to complete and catch up on.
Students - I would recommend logging into teams. Click on your 'Grades' - left hand side of the dashboard inside our class Teams. You can then see all assignments and whether or not you are missing items. Again, if you do not have a mark for Assign 6 or 7 then you have edits to make on those to resubmit. Ms. Pynn can also assist you with this as well.
Reminders: No one out of the space with exception of a few students whom I have discussed with Ms. P already and who have a specific check in space designated for today if needed (Ze, Ruby, James). All other students please remain in the space for assistance of Ms. P and Ms. Moore.
One out for the washroom at a time pls.
Updates: Ms. H Back Tomorrow!!! YAY!
2nd Block :)
Elevator/(Gondola?) Pitches.
View: What is an elevator pitch - below.
Elevator Pitches - Video.
Your Turn - Time to WRITE!
Next Up - PowerPoint Project with 6 Slides. Pls make it fun/pretty! Colours/Pictures etc.
Elevator Pitch
Slide 1 - Title Page - Elevator Pitch
Slide 2 - Who are you? Your Name & Fav Activity.
Slide 3 - Your background -You are a student at RSS. Also - review any past work or volunteer experience thus far in 1-2 sentences.
Slide 4 - What can you offer? Name 3 traits/skills that you have that would be valuable in the workplace.
Slide 5 - The Ask - In your own words. Eg. "I would love an opportunity to work with you." or "I believe I would be an asset to your organization because . . ."
Page 6 - The Close - In your own words. E.g. "Thank you so much for taking the time to have this conversation with me. I look forward to your reply."
Where to save your completed work?
*Save your PowerPoint to your OneDrive - in your 'New Media 11 Folder' & your 'Capstone 12 Prep' Folder.
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