Oct 15 Singapore City of the Future Review & Intro to LinkedIn Oct 18 2021


City Level:

View - City of the Future: Singapore – Full Episode | National Geographic

Post Viewing - review of group work to questions posed below. 

1. In the video you learned about a multitude of innovations that Singapore already has in use and/or has developed for implementation in the future. Which innovation do you think would be the best fit for Revelstoke? Be sure to explain your reasons as to why you selected your option specifically.  


Paragraph (or bullet point full sentences) responses pls.

2. What affects do innovations have on the future of work/careers for your age group/peers? Provide specific examples of expected affects. Min 5. & include why you believe these affects will/are occurring. 

Paragraph (or bullet point full sentences) responses pls.

Intro to LinkedIn

Overview - What is LinkedIn. 

Video Review. 15 min

Overview re: General Job Searches.

Overview Ms. H's LinkedIn. 

Tips and Tricks - Setting Up Your Personal Profile.

Time to set up your own personal profile - feel free copy paste info from your cover letter/resume :) 
Also - re: required - Profile pic - you can use your new logo or take a new headshot with your phone and airdrop to upload if you would like. 


1. Again - Feel free copy paste info from your cover letter/resume :) to your LinkedIn Profile.

2. Profile pic - use your new logo or take a new headshot with your phone and airdrop to upload if you would like. 

3. Next - utilize your prior completed Moodboard to create a banner image for behind your profile pic using canva.com. Utilize the specific Canva LinkedIn Banner Template on Canva. 

4. Once you are have done all of the above please also upload your new personalized LinkedIn URL to Assign 13 in Teams :)

Final due date for the above Monday Oct 18 2021. Assign 13.


- If you have not completed all edits on your cover letter's and resumes pls do so in Teams ASAP so I can provide you with a mark - Assign 6 & 7

- Be sure to review if you have all Assignments in to date on Teams Assign 1-12.

-Reminder - Completion of Elevator Pitches - Assign 12 on Teams. 


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