Sept 20-25 2021 Monday Wrap of - last week's work & rest of week Cover Letter's & Resume's


Review (as a class) Tech Art Review - Assign 4 &  Class Discussion.

Time for completion of The Social Network Film Questions - Assign 5 on Teams. 

Check Assign 1-5 on Teams - make sure that all items are complete and into Teams. 

Moving on :) Cover Letter & Resume Lesson & Review. 

Bio - Who is Ms. H anyhoo - and why does she love cover letter's and resumes SOOOOOO much. 

Review of Cover Letter and Resume Samples/Templates

Generic Sample Cover Letter

Template Review

Ms. Hathorn Sample

Cover Letter Work - Laptops/Computer Lab - Goal Completion and Submission Via Teams - Assign 6 Teams - Generic Cover Letter

Instructions For Saving (once final proof approved by Ms. H).

1. To TEAMS - for Ms. H - one edited and complete with mark then >

2. To your One Drive -throughout Document Creation. 

3. To your google drive (if you have gmail)

Next Up:  Resume Creation Assign 7 Teams 


1. Resume Generic Draft & - Laptops/Computer Lab - Goal Resume Draft. Once done please upload to Teams for my edit. Assign

2. Make Resume Changes. Final Submission to TEAMS Assign 7

Instructions For Saving (once final proof approved).


2. To your One Drive

3. To your google drive (if you have gmail)

* AGAIN - All edits must be completed on TEAMS and updated prior to a mark being provided to you for Assign 6 & 7. Once you have been given the thumbs up and your Cover Letter and Resume edits are complete - then pls save your final copy to your One Drive (properly NAMED!) as well as your google drive if you have one. 


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