Finish Novel - Start - pg 196 middle 7 hrs 7 min to end Into The Wild Vocab Review Character Assessment & Review Into The Wild Viewing - Netflix - almost to the end - we reached 2 hr's and 9 min. Kahoot Review Into The Wild.
Dec 7, 2021 - Grammar Booklet Work Time - Dec 9 2021 - Note: If you have not finished Assignment 15 - Into The Wild & Captain Fantastic Individual Paragraph Assignment please do so. Grammar Booklet Work Time “ Into the Wild ” acknowledges big problems in today's society, and forces you to look deeply for them. Released in 2007 by director Sean Penn, the biographical film still has major relevance in today's world, nine years later, by presenting the idea of living simply and appreciating what has been given to you. The Minimalists - and Intro to Assign 16 Teams We view the below two pieces and then answered the question - How can our lives be better with less? The Art of Letting Go | The Minimalists | TEDxFargo A rich life with less stuff | The Minimalists | TEDxWhitefish Dec 10 2021 Completion of both Assign 15 and 16 in Teams Continue to work on Grammar Booklet.
LinkedIn Continued . . . Lesson: 1. Review re: General & Specific Job Searches using Ms. H's LinkedIn. 2. Review of Endorsements and Connections Area. Review of Videos Reach out to Recruiters on LinkedIn (the right way!) Questions - post viewing - what were your take aways from this video regarding how to appropriately reach out to recruiters re: job postings on LinkedIn? Tasks: Your Personal Profile - by now you should have the following complete. Profile Pic - Logo Banner About Section Employment Section (With description (tasks) complete.) Tasks: BE SURE TO ALSO HAVE: *Your 'Education Section' filled out *& Add at least 5 skills to your profile. *Add any licenses & certifications. *3 connections min *Request a recommendation (from me Amanda Hathorn) Once you are have done all of the above please also upload your new personalized LinkedIn URL to Assign 13 in Teams :) Final due date for the above Wed...
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