Jan 10 2022 Grammar Workbook Check In & Review.

Covid Protocol Reminders:

Please sanitize hands upon entry to the space.

No gathering between classes/near other student desks/or at the end of class. Please remain at your desk area until dismissed.

Review updated seating plan. Please sit in your original areas.

In rows. 

No moving of your desks! 

Note: We will not be doing ANY further group work until further notice.

Reminder re: Covid Mask Protocols - masks on properly at ALL times. Should you not wear your mask consistently and properly you will be referred to the office. Mr. K may then make contact with your home. 

Prior to departure we will be cleaning our desks with paper towel and pier diem spray prior to departure.

Again, you are to remain at your desk area UNTIL dismissed. No gathering at the door prior to dismissal or during breaks in class.

Reminder: Hands to yourselves at all times. 

* Goes without say - no sharing of food or drink or phones etc. No sharing of ANY items.

Students have the block to research and create their hazard posters. Info re: poster project is below. Please be ready to present your posters during the last 15-20 min of class and/or next class. 

Assignment: Grammar Workbook Check In & Review & Class Mark first 5-10 pages. 


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