Oct 25 2021 Linked In Assign 13 and LinkedIN Job Search Component

LinkedIn Continued . . .


1. Review re: General & Specific Job Searches using Ms. H's LinkedIn. 

2. Tasks: Your Personal Profile - by now you should have the following complete. View Pic. 

Once you are have done all of the above please also upload your new personalized LinkedIn URL to Assign 13 in Teams :)

Final due date for the above Today Oct 25 2021. Assign 13.

Task Today: (Once you have completed the above). 

1. Search for a position on LinkedIn that you are interested in. Use the search function.

2. Update your resume objective AND past job tasks/responsibilities to more closely match that of the posting you located.

3. Submit the URL for the LinkedIn Job post you located AND your updated resume (with updated Objective and Employment Sections) to Assign 14 Teams below. 


- If you have not completed all edits on your cover letter's and resumes pls do so in Teams ASAP so I can provide you with a mark - Assign 6 & 7

- Be sure to review if you have all Assignments in to date on Teams Assign 1-13


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